Via Lattea is the biggest ski area in Western Italy, with its 400 Km of slopes, 120 Km of which are covered by a snowmaking system. This area is really big (we recommend to keep an eye to your watch), going from Sauze d’Oulx to...

Sansicario is a hamlet of Cesana Torinese, that is 3.4 Km away from it. From Sansicario Borgo, you can reach Sansicario Alto (on the west side of mount Fraiteve, in the Northern Susa Valley), where are the ski lifts starting points. Alpine skiing slopes are almost...

In the Northern Susa Valley, at the foot of Monte Genevris, we find Sauze d’Oulx. Here, you will ski in a panoramic basin, among fairy tales woods, in the far end of the 400 Km of slopes of Via Lattea. This ski resort is the...

Sestriere is the elite resort created from nothing by the Agnelli family on the wide hill between Cal Chisone and Susa Valley, in Piedmont, at 2035 m of altitude. Being an host of Alpine Skiing World Cup, it benefitted of huge investments for renewing its...

Cesana Torinese is a little village in Susa Valley, at 1350m; it lies in a little hollow in Mont Chaberton Massif, near the confluence of Piccola Dora river and Ripa creek, forming Dora Riparia River. Cesana is in the centre of Via Lattea ski area,...

Claviere is the last Italian ski resort before the frontier between Italy and France. It lies in a long little plain valley on Colle del Monginevro, 2 Km away from Montgenèvre. From 1760 m, where the village is located, you go up to Colle Bercia,...

The first ski lift in Bardonecchia, in Susa Valley, was built in 1934. Since then, many other slopes were built to reach the 100 Km of alpine skiing slopes and 23 ski lifts we have now. You will find two ski areas that are not...